Earth day
Scott Sparlin
Morgan Creek Vineyards is among many businesses, organizations, and individuals around the world that participate in the annual EARTH DAY observance.
Each in our own way brings a community focus to the importance of the Earth Day international observance.
IN 2017, New Ulm’s, Minnesota Music Hall of Fame inductee, John Denver is also recognized during our annual event through song and story.
New Ulm’s Environmentalist and Songwriter Scott Sparlin says it makes sense to link Denver with an environmental holiday. “John Denver believed strongly in an environmental ethic, so to emphasize and celebrate that on Earth Day is really appropriate. It’s amazing how simple songs influence modern culture and, in his own way, John did so on many fronts.”
As a renowned environmentalist and humanitarian, Denver's membership in many organizations included the Cousteau Society and Friends of the Earth. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan presented Denver with the Presidential World Without Hunger Award. In 1993, he won the Albert Schweitzer Music Award for humanitarian efforts.
Documentary "SEED" screened at Morgan Creek Vineyards
April 22 marks the completion of a 5-year transition to organic viticulture management by Morgan Creek Vineyards. It also initiates the beginning of a challenging period as Georg and Paula Marti seek CCOF organic certification for their farm winery operation.
In preparation for this viticulture journey, the Martis have participated in intensive workshops, training, and have attended the associations international conferences, where they played a role in participating in the premiere film screening of the documentary SEED: The Untold Story. EARTH DAY - New Ulm presents an opportunity for us as a family to share this important narrative with our winery visitors every season.
Throughout the month of April - as an Earth Day Observance, Morgan Creek Vineyards will be hosting an ongoing screening of the SEED documentary and a Seed Saving Exchange & Give Away. Also, informal discussion on farm-scale Biodynamic composting used at Morgan Creek Vineyards is encouraged!
A scene from "SEED."